In One Day: A Poem
I cried out,
"Why should I lose you both in one day?"
Some people thought
I meant you and your father
I meant you and your brother.
Had they asked, I would have told them.
Now I tell you, my twins:
Jacob, Esau,
I meant to send one of you away
For just one day
For the other to cool down
Not to repeat the pattern
Loop after endless loop
Like the tapestries I wove
From our flock's hair
The endless, destructive pattern:
Sacrifice, slaughter, silent and deafening screams
Pretending to be who you are not.
Oh, when will it end?
Haven't there been enough
Tears shed
Blood shed
Promises made
Promises broken
"The enemy of my enemy" deals and treaties?
When will the yoke of hatred be lifted,
Yes, lifted,
So all of my children
But especially you two
Will come home to
- Yael Fischman, 12/04/2023
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