Crying out and Hearing the Outcry
Parshat/Torah Portion Bo (Come to Pharaoh) talks about crying out to the Lord: "a loud cry in all Mitzrayim". A couple of parshiyot /Torah portions before that, when the Divine calls out to Moses from the Burning Bush, the Voice says, among other life and world changing statements, "I have heard their outcry". The word used for both instances of crying out due to suffering is the same: tzaakah. I thought to myself, "There must be a hint here; why else use the same word?"
Our Foremothers: Beautiful and Strong
I am grateful to Artist Joanne Fink for hosting the session which inspired this poem, and for Reb Alan Kaufman for his wisdom sharing... Our Foremo... -
In One Day: A Poem
In One Day: A Poem
I cried out, "Why should I lose you both in one day?" Some people thought I meant you and your father I meant you and your brother. Had they asked, I would have told them. Now I tell you, my twins, Jacob, Esau...
Generations (Not a Star Trek reference:)
Generations: this is how the Hertz Chumash translates the word "Toledot", whose root word is the basis for "yeled", or boy, and "yaldah", girl, and in general terms, offspring over time. But were it not for Rivka,(Rebecca), the offspring might not have lived up to the inheritance and purpose intended for them. -
What Sets You Apart?
In the wilderness, the Children of Israel were given what is known as the Holiness Code: in addition to the Ten Commandments, these were ways in which we were instructed to dress, behave, eat and act differently from the surrounding peoples. One reason for this...
A Holy Dwelling
The Torah readings Vayakhel and Pekudey are often chanted on the same Shabbat, and the Haftarah is usually the one which echoes many of the details... -
A Grandmother Apartment for God?
What to do about Grandma? Many of us have had this discussion with our families. Should we build an addition onto the house: a “Grandma apartment”, if you will? Fill it with some, but not all, of her treasured memories? And what to do with the myriads of family pictures, some of which were taken during the early days of photography, when the camera employed to collect those memories was, itself, nearly as big as an apartment?
Now imagine what Moses must have felt like when shown the plans for God’s apartment: the Mishkan, wherein God’s presence would be concentrated when the Israelites camped in the desert! An involved commission from the One who created the entire world? NO PROBLEM!! (Not.)
As the Gate Closes...
Do we have any sci/fi /fantasy folk around here? Besides me, that is! Have you ever read a book so profound that you want to grab everybody you kno... -
People have a natural reaction to blood: most shrink from it, some fear it, and some are fascinated by it. Ancient Temple practices, as in the Desert Mishkan ( from the word "dwelling place: a feminine word, and related to the Divine Feminine, the Shekhinah)consecrated it, and those who touched it, by separating them..