"Better to light a candle..."
There is a saying that translates into, "Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness." I think of this saying when Hanukkah rolls around, a... -
Akeydah Poem: Sarah's Vision
While preparing a creative midrash exercise for the upcoming High Holy Days, the MUSE struck... -
How is Yom Kippur like Purim?
A midrash compares the two days, by noting that the most solemn Fast Day on the Jewish calendar, Yom Kippur, is similar to Purim: the day of feasti... -
And I sent before you Moses, Aaron and Miriam...
Legends concerning Miriam often involve a magical well which sprang up and followed her wherever she went. Some stories even say that she was a water witch, gifted with locating actual water where there was none: a very useful skill in the desert, yes?
She was also the one who had the vision to have the women pack their timbrels in order to celebrate their redemption at the shores of the Red/Reed Sea.
If Miriam impresses you also, please take a look at this headdress style kippah created in her honor!
What's in a Name? The Friendship of Ruth and Naomi
An element of godliness is present in the relationship between Ruth and Naomi...
Tzipporah and my Mother
Tzipporah, the wife of Moses (who may or may not have been the Cushite of whom/on behalf of whom* Miriam and Aaron complained), was a woman of decisive action. She had to be. When a life threatening illness attacked both Moses and their newborn child, -
Is it fate or is it art? A Purim message...
On Purim, we read about the saving of the Jewish people by Esther the Queen of Persia, who was a hidden Jew. Haman, the evil grand vizier, had d... -
Bitter waters
“How can you sing when My creatures are dying?” God said to the angels* But I am not an angel, said Miriam I am waters made bitter by enslavement ... -
In One Day: A Poem
In One Day: A Poem
I cried out, "Why should I lose you both in one day?" Some people thought I meant you and your father I meant you and your brother. Had they asked, I would have told them. Now I tell you, my twins, Jacob, Esau...
Revisions: a Yom Kippur D'var Torah
Artisan and parent Yael Fischman sees parallels between her lived experiences with those of our Divine Parent and Creator. -
Happy Birthday, World! A Rosh Hashanah Message
My Mother and I have a custom around my birthday: she, of course, wishes me the standard "Happy Birthday" greeting. I respond, "Happy BIRTHING Day, emphasizing her continuing role in my life. On Rosh Hashanah, we celebrate the world's birthday...
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