And I sent before you Moses, Aaron and Miriam...
Legends concerning Miriam often involve a magical well which sprang up and followed her wherever she went. Some stories even say that she was a water witch, gifted with locating actual water where there was none: a very useful skill in the desert, yes?
She was also the one who had the vision to have the women pack their timbrels in order to celebrate their redemption at the shores of the Red/Reed Sea.
If Miriam impresses you also, please take a look at this headdress style kippah created in her honor!
May Your Well Never Run Dry!
Parshat Behaalotecha ( Numbers 22, v.13) quotes Moses as having cried out or shouted to the Eternal, regarding Miriam, * "God! Please, heal her, p... -
The Great Sabbath
One of my favorite scenes in the classic movie, The Wizard of Oz, is when Dorothy and Company, after having been scrubbed and dressed to the nines ... -
Dinah Rising
Dinah, daughter of Leah and Jacob, has long been a source of speculation, angst, misplaced blame, and a defiant reminder of the ills of the patriar... -
Hey-What about Hagar?
Last week, we read about the end of Sarah's life, following (some commentators say "caused") by her son Isaac's near sacrifice at the hands of her husband, Abraham. But what about the OTHER wife, Hagar?
Salt, Tears and Laughter
Have you ever laughed so much that you cried? Or the reverse,sobbed uncontrollably until your tears were dry and all you could taste was salt? Our Biblical Mother Sarah would have had a thing or two to say about tears of laughter and tears of joy... -
Lifting up the Heads
Lifting up the Heads
Parshat Naso deals with a lot of mundane "stuff": from the census to the "sota", the trial by ordeal forced upon a suspected adulteress ( but not, we note, for the adulterer). She is forced to drink waters which will make her violently ill or kill her. As my former Rabbi, Jonathan Cohen, used to say,
"What is it about the patriarchy that you don't get?"
And yet, Manoah's WIFE is addressed in the Haftarah...
Miriam's Well
Legends concerning Miriam often involve a magical well which sprang up and followed her wherever she went. Some stories even say that she was a water witch, gifted with locating actual water where there was none: a very useful skill in the desert, yes? -
The Story of Serach
Sukkot, which ended recently, was an occasion to invite honored ancestral guests, such as Serach, into this outside, temporary dwelling. Never heard of Serach? For many years, neither had I...
Lessons from a fallen leaf
On a recent camping trip ( first vacation know),I found a fallen leaf. Not an unusual occurrence in a woodland setting. Yet, this leaf was different from any leaf I'd ever seen before...