Our Foremothers: Beautiful and Strong
I am grateful to Artist Joanne Fink for hosting the session which inspired this poem, and for Reb Alan Kaufman for his wisdom sharing... Our Foremo... -
Happy Birthday, World! A Rosh Hashanah Message
My Mother and I have a custom around my birthday: she, of course, wishes me the standard "Happy Birthday" greeting. I respond, "Happy BIRTHING Day, emphasizing her continuing role in my life. On Rosh Hashanah, we celebrate the world's birthday... -
A Grandmother Apartment for God?
What to do about Grandma? Many of us have had this discussion with our families. Should we build an addition onto the house: a “Grandma apartment”, if you will? Fill it with some, but not all, of her treasured memories? And what to do with the myriads of family pictures, some of which were taken during the early days of photography, when the camera employed to collect those memories was, itself, nearly as big as an apartment?
Now imagine what Moses must have felt like when shown the plans for God’s apartment: the Mishkan, wherein God’s presence would be concentrated when the Israelites camped in the desert! An involved commission from the One who created the entire world? NO PROBLEM!! (Not.)
Sending Them Off
How can You do this, God!
Every moment since You created us, Your children,
You have sacrificed...
(See the entire poem at Click on Blog, then click on "Muse")
Darkest before the Dawn
People often use the phrase, "It is always darkest before the dawn," as an attempt to comfort others when they can't find anything else to say. I h... -
Put on your Thinking Cap...
Did you know that a kosher kippah only needs to be big enough to cover one's fist? Rabbi Susan Grossman of Columbia, MD shared that teaching with m... -
Birthing the New Year
The parsha, or Torah portion, we read last week mentions the midwives who refused Pharaoh's orders to kill the Israelite baby boys. One of those boys was, of course, Moses, the future leader of the Israelite people.The midwives' action thus saved an entire people! We too, can play the part of midwives as we usher in the secular New Year...
Lessons from a fallen leaf
On a recent camping trip ( first vacation know),I found a fallen leaf. Not an unusual occurrence in a woodland setting. Yet, this leaf was different from any leaf I'd ever seen before...