Crying out and Hearing the Outcry
Parshat/Torah Portion Bo (Come to Pharaoh) talks about crying out to the Lord: "a loud cry in all Mitzrayim". A couple of parshiyot /Torah portions before that, when the Divine calls out to Moses from the Burning Bush, the Voice says, among other life and world changing statements, "I have heard their outcry". The word used for both instances of crying out due to suffering is the same: tzaakah. I thought to myself, "There must be a hint here; why else use the same word?"
"Better to light a candle..."
There is a saying that translates into, "Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness." I think of this saying when Hanukkah rolls around, a... -
How is Yom Kippur like Purim?
A midrash compares the two days, by noting that the most solemn Fast Day on the Jewish calendar, Yom Kippur, is similar to Purim: the day of feasti... -
Our Foremothers: Beautiful and Strong
I am grateful to Artist Joanne Fink for hosting the session which inspired this poem, and for Reb Alan Kaufman for his wisdom sharing... Our Foremo... -
Is it fate or is it art? A Purim message...
On Purim, we read about the saving of the Jewish people by Esther the Queen of Persia, who was a hidden Jew. Haman, the evil grand vizier, had d... -
Bitter waters
“How can you sing when My creatures are dying?” God said to the angels* But I am not an angel, said Miriam I am waters made bitter by enslavement ... -
In One Day: A Poem
In One Day: A Poem
I cried out, "Why should I lose you both in one day?" Some people thought I meant you and your father I meant you and your brother. Had they asked, I would have told them. Now I tell you, my twins, Jacob, Esau...
Generations (Not a Star Trek reference:)
Generations: this is how the Hertz Chumash translates the word "Toledot", whose root word is the basis for "yeled", or boy, and "yaldah", girl, and in general terms, offspring over time. But were it not for Rivka,(Rebecca), the offspring might not have lived up to the inheritance and purpose intended for them. -
The Life of Sarah
In Jewish practice, we bless our daughters and sons on Friday nights. We call down the blessings of heaven upon our daughters in the name of The Mothers, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah. But why? -
Midrash on an Answering Machine, or, a Three-Part Blessing
The artisan recalls her mother, who passed between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, and who LIVED the message she left on her answering machine... -
Happy Birthday, World! A Rosh Hashanah Message
My Mother and I have a custom around my birthday: she, of course, wishes me the standard "Happy Birthday" greeting. I respond, "Happy BIRTHING Day, emphasizing her continuing role in my life. On Rosh Hashanah, we celebrate the world's birthday... -
May God Make You Like...
Who can forget the iconic Sabbath Blessing duet from the movie "Fiddler on the Roof"? The parents in each household in the shtetl, the Jewish village, make, in essence, (although in English) the same blessing over their children as their ancestors made, and as we say today,
" May God make you like Ephraim and Menashe", for boys, and
"May God make you like Sarah, Rivka, Rachel and Leah" (Some put Leah first, as she became Jacob's wife before her younger sister, who was promised to him, did, but that's another story), for girls.
Like many of you, I never thought to question or examine this more deeply,
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