May Your Well Never Run Dry!
Parshat Behaalotecha ( Numbers 22, v.13) quotes Moses as having cried out or shouted to the Eternal, regarding Miriam, * "God! Please, heal her, p... -
What Sets You Apart?
In the wilderness, the Children of Israel were given what is known as the Holiness Code: in addition to the Ten Commandments, these were ways in which we were instructed to dress, behave, eat and act differently from the surrounding peoples. One reason for this...
The Great Sabbath
One of my favorite scenes in the classic movie, The Wizard of Oz, is when Dorothy and Company, after having been scrubbed and dressed to the nines ... -
A Holy Dwelling
The Torah readings Vayakhel and Pekudey are often chanted on the same Shabbat, and the Haftarah is usually the one which echoes many of the details... -
A Grandmother Apartment for God?
What to do about Grandma? Many of us have had this discussion with our families. Should we build an addition onto the house: a “Grandma apartment”, if you will? Fill it with some, but not all, of her treasured memories? And what to do with the myriads of family pictures, some of which were taken during the early days of photography, when the camera employed to collect those memories was, itself, nearly as big as an apartment?
Now imagine what Moses must have felt like when shown the plans for God’s apartment: the Mishkan, wherein God’s presence would be concentrated when the Israelites camped in the desert! An involved commission from the One who created the entire world? NO PROBLEM!! (Not.)
Sustainer of Life
Have you ever been in a situation so dire that it made you question your sanity? Your beliefs? Have you then been fortunate enough to have come full circle, by experiences which explain and even undo the damage because they lead to, or were guided by, a higher purpose? -
We cannot foresee all ends...
We cannot foresee all ends...
When a child is born, new possibilities enter the world, new potential arises. We don't know whether this child will grow to be a good person, a so-so, average person, or a wicked one. At the time of birth,they are all perfect. Just so, when unforeseen events happen, we don't always immediately know...
As the Gate Closes...
Do we have any sci/fi /fantasy folk around here? Besides me, that is! Have you ever read a book so profound that you want to grab everybody you kno... -
God's Grimoire
What would we see if we looked into God's Book of Life? Would it look like an ancient grimoire, such as the one owned by Hagrid,from the Harry Potter series? -
Sending Them Off
How can You do this, God!
Every moment since You created us, Your children,
You have sacrificed...
(See the entire poem at Click on Blog, then click on "Muse")
June or Elul Bride: which is better?
June is a popular time for weddings, for many reasons.Marrying in the Jewish month of Elul (coming soon) is also considered lucky... -
Moses and Me
Forty-six years ago, a young woman stood at the ammud/lectern to give her D'var Torah and chant her Haftarah at her Bat Mitzvah. Shaking like a leaf in a storm, the nervous twelve year old version of myself began her prepared remarks...
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