How is Yom Kippur like Purim?
A midrash compares the two days, by noting that the most solemn Fast Day on the Jewish calendar, Yom Kippur, is similar to Purim: the day of feasti... -
Our Foremothers: Beautiful and Strong
I am grateful to Artist Joanne Fink for hosting the session which inspired this poem, and for Reb Alan Kaufman for his wisdom sharing... Our Foremo... -
Is it fate or is it art? A Purim message...
On Purim, we read about the saving of the Jewish people by Esther the Queen of Persia, who was a hidden Jew. Haman, the evil grand vizier, had d... -
Bitter waters
“How can you sing when My creatures are dying?” God said to the angels* But I am not an angel, said Miriam I am waters made bitter by enslavement ... -
The Life of Sarah
In Jewish practice, we bless our daughters and sons on Friday nights. We call down the blessings of heaven upon our daughters in the name of The Mothers, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah. But why? -
May Your Well Never Run Dry!
Parshat Behaalotecha ( Numbers 22, v.13) quotes Moses as having cried out or shouted to the Eternal, regarding Miriam, * "God! Please, heal her, p... -
What Sets You Apart?
In the wilderness, the Children of Israel were given what is known as the Holiness Code: in addition to the Ten Commandments, these were ways in which we were instructed to dress, behave, eat and act differently from the surrounding peoples. One reason for this...
A Holy Dwelling
The Torah readings Vayakhel and Pekudey are often chanted on the same Shabbat, and the Haftarah is usually the one which echoes many of the details... -
Dinah Rising
Dinah, daughter of Leah and Jacob, has long been a source of speculation, angst, misplaced blame, and a defiant reminder of the ills of the patriar... -
When is a kiss more than "just a kiss"?
When is a kiss more than "just a kiss"? When the same word is mentioned four times in the same Torah portion, or parasha, that's when! In parshat V... -
Hey-What about Hagar?
Last week, we read about the end of Sarah's life, following (some commentators say "caused") by her son Isaac's near sacrifice at the hands of her husband, Abraham. But what about the OTHER wife, Hagar?
Salt, Tears and Laughter
Have you ever laughed so much that you cried? Or the reverse,sobbed uncontrollably until your tears were dry and all you could taste was salt? Our Biblical Mother Sarah would have had a thing or two to say about tears of laughter and tears of joy...
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