Just Playin'
You know when you were a child, you would just play without thinking what others would say about you?
How is Yom Kippur like Purim?
A midrash compares the two days, by noting that the most solemn Fast Day on the Jewish calendar, Yom Kippur, is similar to Purim: the day of feasti... -
Tzipporah and my Mother
Tzipporah, the wife of Moses (who may or may not have been the Cushite of whom/on behalf of whom* Miriam and Aaron complained), was a woman of decisive action. She had to be. When a life threatening illness attacked both Moses and their newborn child, -
Hey-What about Hagar?
Last week, we read about the end of Sarah's life, following (some commentators say "caused") by her son Isaac's near sacrifice at the hands of her husband, Abraham. But what about the OTHER wife, Hagar?