What's in a Name? The Friendship of Ruth and Naomi
An element of godliness is present in the relationship between Ruth and Naomi...
Our Foremothers: Beautiful and Strong
I am grateful to Artist Joanne Fink for hosting the session which inspired this poem, and for Reb Alan Kaufman for his wisdom sharing... Our Foremo... -
The Counting: an Omer Poem
The Countingby Yael Fischman What does it mean for us,Children of Diasporahands more accustomed to the click and whirr of the computerthan to the r... -
The Tale of Ruth and Naomi: a Mothers Day Story
As we are approaching Mothers Day ( in the U.S.), I am thinking about the relationships between women. Thankfully, both my own mother and my mother... -
Shavuot: the "plus one" holiday (Updated 2022)
So,by the time Shavuot occurs, we will have counted the Omer, the days between Pesach and Shavuot, for the past 49 days. We've tried to do self-improvement: to BE "plus one," ie, better than we are now... -
Counting the Days
"Teach us to number our days (correctly), that we may attain a heart of wisdom"- Ps. 90 During this period of time, Sefirat ha- Omer, we do just th... -
The Great Redemption
The Great Redemption
Redemption and renewal, after a cataclysmic upheaval : sound familiar in the year 2022? The prophetic reading for the last Sabbath of Pesach this year contains all these themes and more...
The Counting
Counting can be hypnotic, meditative, or it can be fraught with anxiety. In my poem, "The Counting" I explore what it means to modern folk, far removed from the rhythm of the seasons, to go through this Jewish ritual.