Sending Them Off
How can You do this, God!
Every moment since You created us, Your children,
You have sacrificed...
(See the entire poem at Click on Blog, then click on "Muse")
June or Elul Bride: which is better?
June is a popular time for weddings, for many reasons.Marrying in the Jewish month of Elul (coming soon) is also considered lucky... -
Moses and Me
Forty-six years ago, a young woman stood at the ammud/lectern to give her D'var Torah and chant her Haftarah at her Bat Mitzvah. Shaking like a leaf in a storm, the nervous twelve year old version of myself began her prepared remarks... -
Darkest before the Dawn
People often use the phrase, "It is always darkest before the dawn," as an attempt to comfort others when they can't find anything else to say. I h... -
Put on your Thinking Cap...
Did you know that a kosher kippah only needs to be big enough to cover one's fist? Rabbi Susan Grossman of Columbia, MD shared that teaching with m... -
On the Fringe
Being "on the fringe" can mean the outer periphery of a place, ideas that are quite far from the accepted norm, even land that is on the far flung ... -
Lifting up the Heads
Lifting up the Heads
Parshat Naso deals with a lot of mundane "stuff": from the census to the "sota", the trial by ordeal forced upon a suspected adulteress ( but not, we note, for the adulterer). She is forced to drink waters which will make her violently ill or kill her. As my former Rabbi, Jonathan Cohen, used to say,
"What is it about the patriarchy that you don't get?"
And yet, Manoah's WIFE is addressed in the Haftarah...
Shavuot: the "plus one" holiday (Updated 2022)
So,by the time Shavuot occurs, we will have counted the Omer, the days between Pesach and Shavuot, for the past 49 days. We've tried to do self-improvement: to BE "plus one," ie, better than we are now... -
Counting the Days
"Teach us to number our days (correctly), that we may attain a heart of wisdom"- Ps. 90 During this period of time, Sefirat ha- Omer, we do just th... -
The Great Redemption
The Great Redemption
Redemption and renewal, after a cataclysmic upheaval : sound familiar in the year 2022? The prophetic reading for the last Sabbath of Pesach this year contains all these themes and more...
The Great Sabbath
One of my favorite scenes in the classic movie, The Wizard of Oz, is when Dorothy and Company, after having been scrubbed and dressed to the nines , have their audience with The Wizard. Cue the booming voice... -
People have a natural reaction to blood: most shrink from it, some fear it, and some are fascinated by it. Ancient Temple practices, as in the Desert Mishkan ( from the word "dwelling place: a feminine word, and related to the Divine Feminine, the Shekhinah)consecrated it, and those who touched it, by separating them..
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